Samstag, 25. August 2007
Fühlen, sehen, hören, denken...
Fühlen, immer wieder fühlen
wohin wird mich das führen?
Fühlen immer wieder fühlen
ein Ende ist nicht in Sicht.

Sehen, immer wieder sehen
was soll ich mit all den Filmen?
Sehen, immer wieder sehen
oh, ich brauche neue Speicher.

Hören, immer wieder hören
wie kann ich meine Ohren lenken?
Hören immer wieder hören
meine Ohren wollen Pause.

Denken, immer wieder denken
wozu die Gedanken kreisen lassen?
Denken immer wieder denken
oh, meine Gedanken überfluten mich.

Fühlen, sehen, hören, denken
oh, lass mein Geist
in die Gnade der Stille hinab senken.

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Freitag, 24. August 2007
poem: Do you know...?
Do you know me?
Have you ever met me
between two moments of breathing?
Have you ever seen me
between two moments of life?
I know you know about me,
I know it,
but do you know it too?

I know we ll meet us soon again
and sometimes
there will come the day
you will know me
cause I will let you know something
you wouldnt able to forget.

Oh dont be afraid my friend
Iam not an enemy of you
You ve called my name
in so many nights full of darkness
please understand
Ive heard every of your cry

And now the time is right
To let you know
Ive arrived at your life again.

Oh dont get worrying my friend
Iam not a terrible ghost
of your great fantasy
Youre ready to meet me now
Let us meet
I know youre ready now.
my friend...

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Dienstag, 21. August 2007
poem: On the Road of Silence

on the road of silence
there is all you need.
on the road of silence
there you'll find everything.

on the road of silence
love will cross your way
cause love speaks
with the voice of silence

on the road of silence
there is all you need.
on the road of silence
there you'll find everything.

on the road of silence
freedom will show all your bigness
cauce freedom is the brother
of all your great talents.

on the road of silence
there is all you need.
on the road of silence
there you'll find everything.

on the road of silence
peace is knocking on your door
cause peace is your answer
of all your aspirations.

on the road of silence
there is all you need.
on the road of silence
there you'll find everything.

on the road of silence
you'll meet the loveliness of yourself
cause you are the first and the last
lover of your own.

on the road of silence
the road of silence
is calling your name

can you hear it?
can you feel it?
please listen
between all lines.

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